Source code for pifx.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2015-2018 Chaoyi Zha <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from pifx.client import LIFXWebAPIClient

[docs]class PIFX: """Main PIFX class""" def __init__(self, api_key, http_endpoint=None): self.client = LIFXWebAPIClient(api_key, http_endpoint)
[docs] def list_lights(self, selector='all'): """Given a selector (defaults to all), return a list of lights. Without a selector provided, return list of all lights. """ return self.client.perform_request( method='get', endpoint='lights/{}', endpoint_args=[selector], parse_data=False)
[docs] def set_state(self, selector='all', power=None, color=None, brightness=None, duration=None): """Given a selector (defaults to all), set the state of a light. Selector can be based on id, scene_id, group_id, label, etc. Returns list of lightbulb statuses if successful. See selector: required String The selector to limit which lights will run the effect. power: String e.g "on" or "off" color: String e.g #ff0000 or "red" Color to set selected bulbs. Hex color code, color name, saturation percentage, hue, RGB, etc. See brightness: Double e.g 0.5 Set brightness level from 0 to 1 duration: Double e.g 10 Setting transition time, in seconds, from 0.0 to 3155760000.0 (100 years). """ argument_tuples = [ ('power', power), ('color', color), ('brightness', brightness), ('duration', duration) ] return self.client.perform_request( method='put', endpoint='lights/{}/state', endpoint_args=[selector], argument_tuples=argument_tuples)
[docs] def state_delta(self, selector='all', power=None, duration=1.0, infrared=None, hue=None, saturation=None, brightness=None, kelvin=None): """Given a state delta, apply the modifications to lights' state over a given period of time. selector: required String The selector to limit which lights are controlled. power: String The power state you want to set on the selector. on or off duration: Double How long in seconds you want the power action to take. Range: 0.0 – 3155760000.0 (100 years) infrared: Double The maximum brightness of the infrared channel. hue: Double Rotate the hue by this angle in degrees. saturation: Double Change the saturation by this additive amount; the resulting saturation is clipped to [0, 1]. brightness: Double Change the brightness by this additive amount; the resulting brightness is clipped to [0, 1]. kelvin: Double Change the kelvin by this additive amount; the resulting kelvin is clipped to [2500, 9000]. """ argument_tuples = [ ("power", power), ("duration", duration), ("infrared", infrared), ("hue", hue), ("saturation", saturation), ("brightness", brightness), ("kelvin", kelvin) ] return self.client.perform_request( method='post', endpoint='lights/{}/state/delta', endpoint_args=[selector], argument_tuples=argument_tuples)
[docs] def toggle_power(self, selector='all', duration=1.0): """Given a selector and transition duration, toggle lights (on/off)""" argument_tuples = [ ("duration", duration) ] return self.client.perform_request( method='post', endpoint='lights/{}/toggle', endpoint_args=[selector], argument_tuples=argument_tuples)
[docs] def breathe_lights(self, color, selector='all', from_color=None, period=1.0, cycles=1.0, persist=False, power_on=True, peak=0.5): """Perform breathe effect on lights. selector: String The selector to limit which lights will run the effect. default: all color: required String Color attributes to use during effect. See set_state for more. from_color: String The color to start the effect from. See set_state for more. default: current bulb color period: Double The time in seconds for one cyles of the effect. default: 1.0 cycles: Double The number of times to repeat the effect. default: 1.0 persist: Boolean If false set the light back to its previous value when effect ends, if true leave the last effect color. default: false power_on: Boolean If true, turn the bulb on if it is not already on. default: true peak: String Defines where in a period the target color is at its maximum. Minimum 0.0, maximum 1.0. default: 0.5 """ argument_tuples = [ ("color", color), ("from_color", from_color), ("period", period), ("cycles", cycles), ("persist", persist), ("power_on", power_on), ("peak", peak), ] return self.client.perform_request( method='post', endpoint='lights/{}/effects/breathe', endpoint_args=[selector], argument_tuples=argument_tuples)
[docs] def pulse_lights(self, color, selector='all', from_color=None, period=1.0, cycles=1.0, persist=False, power_on=True): """Perform pulse effect on lights. selector: String The selector to limit which lights will run the effect. default: all color: required String Color attributes to use during effect. See set_state for more. from_color: String The color to start the effect from. See set_state for more. default: current bulb color period: Double The time in seconds for one cyles of the effect. default: 1.0 cycles: Double The number of times to repeat the effect. default: 1.0 persist: Boolean If false set the light back to its previous value when effect ends, if true leave the last effect color. default: false power_on: Boolean If true, turn the bulb on if it is not already on. default: true """ argument_tuples = [ ("color", color), ("from_color", from_color), ("period", period), ("cycles", cycles), ("persist", persist), ("power_on", power_on), ] return self.client.perform_request( method='post', endpoint='lights/{}/effects/pulse', endpoint_args=[selector], argument_tuples=argument_tuples)
[docs] def cycle_lights(self, states, defaults, direction='forward', selector='all'): """Cycle through list of effects. Provide array states as a list of dictionaries with set_state arguments. See selector: String The selector to limit which lights will run the effect. default: all states: required List of Dicts List of arguments, named as per set_state. Must have 2 to 5 entries. defaults: Object Default values to use when not specified in each states[] object. Argument names as per set_state. direction: String Direction in which to cycle through the list. Can be forward or backward default: forward """ argument_tuples = [ ("states", states), ("defaults", defaults), ("direction", direction) ] return self.client.perform_request( method='post', endpoint='lights/{}/cycle', endpoint_args=[selector], argument_tuples=argument_tuples, json_body=True)
[docs] def list_scenes(self): """Return a list of scenes. See """ return self.client.perform_request( method='get', endpoint='scenes', parse_data=False)
[docs] def activate_scene(self, scene_uuid, duration=1.0): """Activate a scene. See scene_uuid: required String The UUID for the scene you wish to activate duration: Double The time in seconds to spend performing the scene transition. default: 1.0 """ argument_tuples = [ ("duration", duration), ] return self.client.perform_request( method='put', endpoint='scenes/scene_id:{}/activate', endpoint_args=[scene_uuid], argument_tuples=argument_tuples)